ITW Playworx Logo

Sonu Nigam has collaborated with entertainment firm ITW Playworx to create a talent management company for musicians. With Playworx Music, Nigam hopes to “create significant changes in the music business.

The singer says, “It was my idea to create the company. Having been in the entertainment business for decades, I have a sound understanding of the music industry. I wonder why people follow a tried -and-tested formula when there is so much more to music than what is served. With the company, we aim to bring significant changes to showbiz and music, and their consumption.”

The company will nurture fresh talent. It will also help existing artistes manage their assignments, including those relating to films, live shows, among others. Nigam adds, “Every artiste will be given the ideal environment to flourish. I will also have them accompany me on my tours. You never know, I might accompany them one day.”

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